November General Meeting
The November General Meeting took place on the 12th and the Vancouver District Students' Council had an informational session about the upcoming CANely Cup. It is set to begin on Monday the 18th and will end on December 18th. The session was presented by the Advanced Coordinator of the Greater Vancouver Food Bank, Jodie Ou, who gave the Council an introduction to help implement the district-wide fundraising competition for the community. She spoke about the importance of quality donations that is based upon nutritional value. One specific item that is in demand is canned salmon. The District Students' Council is extremely thankful for Jodie's presentation and is optimistic about this year's results!
Our Student Trustee, Joshua Harris, reported that the VSB has voted to continue the motion that allows Vancouver District Students to attend future climate strikes with written parental permission.
After the presentation, the Council had a roundtable discussion on "Vaping in School washrooms" a prevalent issue that has been submitted to the Student Issues Box. Multi-faceted solutions were presented to the Council and students gained insight into the issue. More signage and support will be brought to the VSB Board meeting on the 28th.