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Student Trustee Reports
The student trustee represents VSB students to the district school board and writes monthly reports to update the board on VDSC's initiatives, needs, and advocacy-related endeavours. To improve transparency and enhance communication with the broader student audience, the council has decided for student trustee reports to be posted on the VDSC website beginning in 2023. Click the buttons to the right to stay updated on our trustee and VDSC's progress in pushing for student representation in school board decision-making!
Ongoing Projects
Access to mental health / counselling resources - student feedback reflected to staff from the Safe and Caring Schools Department and school principals, followup continues
Inclusiveness and access to universal bathrooms - student feedback and suggestions liaised with district staff responsible for SOGI, integrated into Administrative Procedures Working Group Agenda
Improved quality of menstrual products - student feedback integrated into Focus Ed RFP, followup continues.
SLO program student consultation - establishment of SLO focus group, student feedback directly communicated with the Vancouver Police Department, followup continues
Funding for student projects -presented youth budget priorities at public-delegation meeting; $100K in funds for student initiatives & 100K in funds for sustainability projects passed; budgeting efforts continue.
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